Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/plain/steps.feature:32 # Scenario: A user should be able to associate a step with a story cucumber features/plain/steps.feature:40 # Scenario: A user should be able to create a new step via a story cucumber features/plain/steps.feature:49 # Scenario: A user should be able to view the stories a step is linked to cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:6 # Scenario: I should be able to view all stories cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:12 # Scenario: As a user I should be able to create a new story cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:22 # Scenario: As a user I should be able to view all the features stories cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:29 # Scenario: As a user I should be able to create a new story via the stories page cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:34 # Scenario: I should be able to edit a story cucumber features/plain/stories.feature:49 # Scenario: If a scenario has examples we must be able to see them. cucumber features/plain/stories_form_validation.feature:6 # Scenario: We must have a valid feature cucumber features/plain/stories_form_validation.feature:12 # Scenario: An invalid scenario should have a related error message cucumber features/plain/stories_form_validation.feature:19 # Scenario: If a story is not unique we need to display a error cucumber features/plain/tag_cloud.feature:6 # Scenario: Displaying the projects tags cloud when there are associated tags available cucumber features/plain/tag_cloud.feature:12 # Scenario: Displaying the features tags cloud when there are associated tags available cucumber features/plain/tag_cloud.feature:18 # Scenario: Displaying the stories tags cloud when there are associated tags available cucumber features/plain/updating_features.feature:14 # Scenario: An existing features story has changed cucumber features/plain/updating_features.feature:24 # Scenario: A user should be redirected back to the feature when they try to access changes that does not exist cucumber features/plain/updating_features.feature:30 # Scenario: A user should be able to update the system with the changes made to a feature on the system 216 scenarios (18 failed, 15 undefined, 183 passed) 1202 steps (18 failed, 66 skipped, 34 undefined, 1084 passed)