#85 new
baphled (at boodah)

Bug in FeatureFile when parsing an improper scenario outline

Reported by baphled (at boodah) | July 19th, 2010 @ 04:17 PM | in 0.8.3

Found a bug when our feature file is not in the expected format, if for some reason we have not rewritten the feature file lib then we should at least fix this situation.

Scenario Outline: Displaying the sidebar after form submission
    Given there is a <item>
    When I am on the "<page>" page
    And I <form action> the <item> form
    Then the side bar should not be rendered
    When submit the form
    Then there should be an AJAX request
    And the sidebar will be rendered via AJAX

  Examples: All pages that should have render the sidebar after an AJAX based form submission
    | page            | item      | form action |
    | new project     | project   | fill in     |

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • baphled@boodah.net

    baphled@boodah.net July 25th, 2010 @ 08:13 PM

    • Milestone set to 0.8.3
    • Milestone order changed from “28” to “0”

    This issue also comes up when trying to parse Cucumber features which have yet to be added to Salad::FeatureFile

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