Refactored so that our customed valid...
was committed by Yomi Colledge
Sunday Jun 20
changeset - Refactored to use our new custom vali... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Resolved issue with our validation ma... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Added styles for our valid form data ... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Added form based js, which was duplic... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Removing duplication was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Refactored was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Images used for our validation http:/... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Added required validations to example... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset
- Refactored to get spec to pass http:/... was committed by Yomi Colledge 09:00 PM changeset